What is Tummy Time?
Exactly how it sounds! It is an opportunity for a baby to spend time on his/her tummy to practice strengthening their neck and core muscles. Tummy time should always be done when a infant is awake and supervised by you or another trusted adult.
Why is Tummy Time Important?
It’s important because you can help your infant reach important milestones in these different categories:
- Strength
- Tummy time can strengthen the muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, and belly; which leads to the crucial physical development for babies to sit, roll, push up, and crawl.
- Coordination
- As they lie on their tummies, they will learn to develop skills such as moving side to side; which leads to stronger coordination, balance, and postural control. As she continues to practice this, this will lead to curiosity and the motivations to try move around and explore the world around her on the floor.
- Development
- Tummy time can help decrease the possibility of your baby’s head being flattened on the back, due to always lying on their back. As they develop more strength and coordination, the less dependent they are on lying on their back.
How and When?
When they are a young newborn, having them start practicing on mommy’s chest or tummy will encourage them to look up at mom and slowly strengthen those neck muscles and coordination to move side to side in safe and calming way. This can be great excuse to get some good skin to skin in as they practice on mommy’s chest and tummy. If baby is fussy, don’t force it, do smaller increments throughout the day so they still develop the strength they need.
As they start to grow and become stronger, around 3-4 months, place a clean blanket or mat on the ground, and provide a mirror or some toys to encourage them to lift their head and look around and get curious.
It is encouraged to start 2-3 times a day, 3-5 minutes each time. As they continue to become stronger, (3-4 months) work toward 20 minutes a day which by small degrees can lead to 40-60 minutes a day on the floor.
How to Make Tummy Time Fun!
- Be interactive with your baby by getting at their level
- Provide sensory toys/mat
- Have the whole family interact with the baby during tummy time.
Remember, go at the pace your baby needs, don’t stress and have fun! At The Utah Birth Place, we want to help mamas at their pace and place of need, and as moms we can also do the same with our little angels!
Why Is Tummy Time Important? Plus, 10 Tips for Success” by Genevieve Howland