Sleep is such an important part of growing and developing for your child (and even for you!). But, sometimes it can get confusing, discouraging, and even frustrating when trying to figure out how to help our littles have better sleep patterns. But trusting your parental instincts of what method is best for your baby/toddler, and once you choose it, be persistent. As you do so, you will be able to find a strategy best for your child to help them have more effective naps and full night’s sleep.
What is considered sleep training?
Sleep training is teaching your baby/toddler to fall asleep independently and to sleep throughout the night. Usually when people hear the term “sleep training” many people associate it to the “crying it out method”. While that may have been common practice in the past, the term has now expanded to many different and more gentle strategies to help train your child to sleep better, and not depend on parent to be soothed to sleep. Here are some of the most common sleep training strategies out there:
Crying it Out (CIA or Extinction) – “A method that involves simply laying a baby in the crib, closing the door, and coming back to get them in the morning.” *
Chair method – this method is “where the parent sits in a chair next to the child’s crib or bed and gradually moves the chair farther away until they are out of room.” *
The Ferber Method – developed by Dr. Richard Ferber. Also been known as the Graduated extinction/Interval-based reassurance method. “A method that involves checking in on a baby at set intervals throughout the night “ *
Pick Up/Put Down (PU/PD) – developed by Tracy Hogg (The Baby Whisperer). “A method in which any time a baby is crying, the parent picks them up. As soon as the baby is calm, the parent returns them to the crib.” *
( Reference: (Dumaplin, C. (2024, February 24). When to Start Sleep Training. Taking Cara Babies. August 9, 2024, )
Now remember, these are all methods. Consult with your pediatrician. follow your parental instincts on the best method for your baby/toddler, and then create a plan! A plan is much different that a method, because every family’s circumstance is different, and it’s important to be on the same page as your spouse/partner.
When to start sleep training?
The most common age is around 5-6 months, where they are now able to recognize day from night, If your child is past 5-6 months, it’s not too late! You can always help your child develop healthy sleep skills.
Tips and Tricks to Help Make Sleep Training Effective and Successful
Heidi Holvoet, PhD shared that to be effective, “reliable and have a chance to be successful, any baby sleep (training) approach should be based on the same most valuable sleep parenting principles:
be consistent and predictable
use a well-adjusted and age-appropriate sleep schedule
be in tune with a baby’s individual needs
promote age-appropriate self-soothing without forcing
incorporate science-based healthy sleep foundations”
(Holvoet, H. (n.d.). Which Baby Sleep Method is Right for You?,*MQ )
Having routine and being predictable will help you as you train your child. Now when you start your sleep training, it’s not going to be successful in one night. It’s going to take as many nights/naps as it needs to take in order for it to work. Be persistent! Your child may go through what people in behavioral studies call “extinguish burst”, in short it will get worse before it gets better. You are challenging bad habits and trying to create new ones, and your child will not like it and will fight you on it. It will be easy to give up or give in to old and easy bad habits, but if you stay consistent and persistent, it will pass!
You can do it! It will be hard and will take work, but these skills will benefit them later in life, and will help you as parents to be able to get some sleep, because that is important too! 😉
You need a midwife/doula to guide you in this process? Here at the Utah Birth Place, we strive to help moms in Utah County, Salt Lake County, and beyond to help you be successful in motherhood journey.
- On Becoming Babywise by Robert Bucknam M.D. & Gary Ezzo M.A.
- Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg (Chapter 6 talks about the Pick Up/Put Down Method in detail).
- The Natural Baby Sleep Solution: Use Your Child’s Internal Sleep Rhythms for Better Nights and Naps by Polly Moore Ph.D.
- The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years by Dr. Harvey Karp, M.D,
- The Sleep Lady’s Good Night, Sleep Tight: Gentle Proven Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Without Leaving Them to Cry it Out by Kim West
- Trust Your Parenting Instincts for Your Baby’s Sleep with Lauren Weber from Isla-Grace Sleep
- Kim West, The Sleep Lady, Talks All Things Baby Sleep with Practical Tips and Loving Advice
- Baby Sleep Consultant | Isla-Grace Sleep Coaching Services
- The Sleep Lady – Sleep Coaching from Newborn to 6 years old
- Baby Sleep Advice
- When to Start Sleep Training
- The Baby Whisperer: Essentials of the Sleep Method by Tracy Hogg
- The Ferber Method for Sleep Training | Sleep Foundation
- Tart Cherry Juice for Kids – Mama Natural