Photo taken by Julie Francom
Is it safe to birth our baby in water? What are the benefits of water births? Would a water birth help me during labor? Is water birth for me? These are all great questions to ask when considering a water birth, and should be asked. Surprisingly, the earliest accounts of water births were found in medical literature in the early 1800’s. The practice then took off in the US around the 1990’s. Water births isn’t a new thing, but it is now more common to see them.
The Benefits of Doing a Water Birth
Water births are an amazing way to give birth to your child, and can have many benefits for you and your baby. Water is nature’s natural epidural, especially when it is warm, and can truly help you in your labor process. The warm water can provide a relaxing environment for mom, and helps with pain relief by releasing endorphins for those who have a goal to go unmedicated. It also relaxes the perineum, which can lessen the chances of tearing and receiving a episiotomy. And, if you are in the water during your first stage of labor, it can shorten labor and lessen the chance of medical intervention.
Would the Baby Drown in the Water? Are There Risks to Water Births?
This can be a concern for many, but remember your baby has been surrounded by amniotic fluid all nine months. Your baby’s umbilical cord provides them oxygen, and babies will take their first breath outside of the water. Your baby will be okay, but if you do have concerns concerning water births, always address them with your care provider, and they can help you determine if water birth is safe for you and your baby. It is best to wait until 37 weeks to have a water birth. For those who have complications with your baby or struggle with placenta previa, it is usually discouraged to continue with a water birth. There have been concerns about the bathtub not being cleaned thoroughly, which can cause a potential infection to your baby. As long as the tub is thoroughly clean, it will be safe for you and your baby.
What if I Poop in the Water?
This can be a concern for many moms. If you do end up pooping in the tub, your midwife/care provider will be able to pick up with netting and it will be out of side and out of mind. This is very common, and it comes to reminding yourself that it is not a big deal.
Water births can create a genuinely amazing and calming experience for you as you labor, and can even help you connect with your baby. It is a great way to labor and reach your unmedicated birth goals. If you have any concerns or questions concerning if water births are right for you, talk to your care provider. We offer water births at our birth center, and would love to help you in your birth journey. Book today if you would like to meet and tour our birth center! Schedule a tour here!
Photo taken by Julie Francom