What is Delayed Cord Clamping?
Just as it sounds in it’s title, it is when you delay in cutting the baby’s umbilical cord until it stops pulsating to provide the baby it’s oxygen and blood left in the placenta. As your baby comes in to this world, not only does it receive oxygen through their lungs, but it also receives oxygen through it’s placenta. The placenta literally keeps your baby alive as it transitions into the world outside of the womb.
Why Do It?
Your baby comes into this world very vulnerable, so when you cut off it’s oxygen and blood supply, your baby can lose out on the many benefits from what the placenta had in store for the baby. Here are few of the many reasons why delaying the cord clamping will bless and benefit your baby:
- It Lowers Anemia Rates
- Anemia is when one is “not having enough healthy blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues.” (Mayo Clinic). So when you cut your baby’s cord, you are denying your baby the opportunity to receive the leftover red blood cells to carry the oxygen needed into your baby’s bodily tissues. To see a great visual on the amount of blood your baby would be missing out on, check out Penny Simkin’s video.
- It also carries the iron needed for proper brain development. Mother’s breast milk is very low iron, so when you cut the cord immediately, you are denying your baby the ability to receive the needed iron to help with their brain development. To learn more of how it can lower anemia and benefit your baby’s health, check out Dr. Alan Greene’s TEDx Talk “90 Seconds to Change the World”. Dr. Greene shares how, “[i]n fact, one third of a newborn’s blood is still in the placenta and umbilical cord at birth. I suggest waiting until the pulsing of the cord is slowing to a stop – often only about 90 seconds longer than conventional medical practice allows for.” (Greene, A. (2023, September 25). The most important 90 seconds in every pregnancy. DrGreene. https://www.drgreene.com/the-most-important-90-seconds-in-every-pregnancy )
- It Provides Essential Stem Cells
- Along with the iron, it provides stems cells that can help with bodily repairs and strengthen your baby’s immunity, central nervous system, cardiovascular, and many more for the rest of their life. “Stem cells can also help repair damage caused by a traumatic birth.” (Howland, G. (2024, June 9). Why Delayed Cord Clamping Is a MUST (Plus How to Ask for It). Mama Natural. August 12, 2024, https://www.mamanatural.com/delayed-cord-clamping/ )
- Baby Receives More Oxygen
- . “A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that a delayed cord clamping group had nearly 6% higher red blood cell volume than a group that experienced early clamping. That may not sound like much, but this increases the oxygen delivering red blood cells to vital organs during a critical time of baby’s development. Baby is learning to breathe on his own for the first time outside of the womb—the extra oxygen provided from the umbilical cord blood is critical.” (Howland, G. (2024, June 9). Why Delayed Cord Clamping Is a MUST (Plus How to Ask for It). Mama Natural. August 12, 2024, https://www.mamanatural.com/delayed-cord-clamping/ )
- It is Lifesaving for Your Little Preemie!
- If your baby plans to come much earlier than expected, delaying their cord from being clamped can actually prevent more health complications. “Pre-term babies who had delayed cord cutting had:
- Fewer heart problems
- Better blood pressure
- Fewer days of oxygen and ventilation
- Fewer blood transfusions
- Decreased chance of necrotizing enterocolitis (a life threatening bowel injury)
- Less anemia
- Significantly reduced risks for late onset sepsis and traumatic bleeding in the brain
- Even more convincing, in two 2017 studies conducted by University of Sydney researchers, delaying cord clamping by merely 60 seconds resulted in reduced hospital mortality by one third when reviewing over 3,000 premature births. This practice is simple and safe for babies and mothers who don’t need immediate resuscitation.” Howland, G. (2024, June 9). Why Delayed Cord Clamping Is a MUST (Plus How to Ask for It). Mama Natural. August 12, 2024, https://www.mamanatural.com/delayed-cord-clamping/
- If your baby plans to come much earlier than expected, delaying their cord from being clamped can actually prevent more health complications. “Pre-term babies who had delayed cord cutting had:
- It Can Help Improve Your Baby’s Fine Motor and Even Social Skills!
- There has been a study that has shown that when you delay clamping your baby’s cord, it has benefitted them into their toddler years, up to age four, when it comes to developing their fine motor and social skills.
- It Prevents Mother and Baby from Being Separated
- Usually in the hospital, the cord is clamped immediately for the convenience of washing, weighing, and checking the vitals of the baby. But the good news is that you can do all of that while the baby is connected to the cord. Plus, it gives the chance for mom and baby to bond together. Baby being separated from mother can cause undue stress for them.
How Long Do I Delay the Cord Clamping?

That is entirely up to you, usually it is recommended to wait 2-3 minutes or until the cord stops pulsating Just as Dr. Greene shared, that 90 seconds can become a “biological gold mine for your new baby”. If you are unsure, bring this up with your care provider. (Greene, A. (2023, September 25). The most important 90 seconds in every pregnancy. DrGreene. https://www.drgreene.com/the-most-important-90-seconds-in-every-pregnancy )
Does Delayed Cord Clamping Cause Jaundice?
Many doctors may have a concern from not cutting the cord immediately due to the baby receiving too much volume into its liver to take care of it, which can cause jaundice. But this is very rare, and usually not a something to be worried about. But if you are concerned, is a great discussion to have with your care provider. (My Essential Birth. (n.d.). Episode 177: Delayed Cord-Clamping: The Risks, Benefits, and Methods to Know BEFORE Giving Birth. YouTube. https://youtu.be/ThU0pFeAo4Q?si=GuJ2qXnTGvItVl7W )
Something to Think About
If you plan to have a hospital birth, it is a common procedure to cut the cord immediately. If this is important to you, make sure you find a care provider who respects your views and your birth plan, and will not fight you on it when the time comes.
Here at The Utah Birth Place, we will respect your decision on if you decide to delay or not delay your cord clamping. If you are need of some guidance on how to approach this, check out our trust resources, and reach out to us via theuahbirthplace@gmail.com.
- Penny Simkin on Delayed Cord Clamping
- 90 seconds to change the world | Alan Greene | TEDxBrussels
- The most important 90 seconds in EVERY pregnancy
- Why Delayed Cord Clamping Is a MUST (Plus How to Ask for It)
- Wait a minute! Clamping the umbilical cord later saves preterm babies’ lives
- Delayed Clamping and Neurodevelopment at 4 Years of Age
- Episode 177: Delayed Cord-Clamping: The Risks, Benefits, and Methods to Know BEFORE Giving Birth